Saturday, 21 May 2011

14 May 2011

heyyo kiddo~ ceritanya gue baru balik dari MKG buat beli pin snmptn.
Yoi, haree genee baru beli? iyadong, kalau mau masuk UI harus santai, jangan in a rush.
*berdalih detected! hidup dibawah garis!---- efek inten*

So, sebenernya gue mau cerita soal minggu lalu. Malam minggu yang sangat berbeda.
kenapa? Karena hari itu gue ketemu pujaan hati gue, kakak ketemu gede...

YEAH! gue dateng ke konser mereka , kece kan kece kan wuwuwu~ (biasa aja)
Well penampilan pertamanya dari the downtown fiction :

Mereka cuman bilang :
Terimakasih Indonesia~ we've been through 20 hours to see you guys, and it's worthed ! Indonesia, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO PARTY! we guarantee we'll never forget this night!!
Oh my god!! Cassadee pope was so cute!

Candles & 6 months

I don't wanna dance

See ? she's so cute right? kakak gue bahkan sempet tos tosan loh, bete ya? bete dong.
OH! cassadee bilang gini waktu itu :
Ok, first we're gonna sing homecoming and end it with how you love me now, okay? *wrong music* DAMN dude, i'm so sorry i sang a wrong song, would you please say 1..2..3.. CASSADEE SUCKS?! i'm so nervous to sing in front of you guys.. you guys are so ROCK! Terima, kasyih, Indonesia~
Nah, itu pas akhir akhir, tapi pas mau nyanyi 6 months dia bilang gini:
If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, here some tips. 1. take care of him/her, do everything that you can, be the best for him/her. 2. if the first way didn't work out, stay-away-from-him/her. they were sucks, they were not special as you are. Okay, this song was written because someone, a girl, 15th y.o , and she's desperate beacuse her boyfriend. So, i've told you, if he was not good enough, THEN LEAVE THEM. it's just between me and you, okay?

Yep, i bet you make anxious cass, huhu T__T
Nyanyi lah gue 6months dengan kegalauan super.
Setelah itu, yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga! A ROCKET TO THE MOON~

ARTTM said:

aku cinta kalian indonesia~ ( yeah nick, I LOVE YOU TO :* ) apakabar jekarda?? (baik cyin~) oh and i'd like to ask some favor to all of you.. (what's that nick?) will you do the trending topics thing on twitter. use the "#" sign...what was that name? hashtag? yeah that sign and write it down #ARocketToTheMoon. And if you guys could do that, we promises to go here as soon as possible~
Cameron, Cassadee, Nick, trust me. kalian sukses buat malem minggu gue sangat berarti.
Sampai saat ini gue belom pernah liat sih TT nya arttm, biasalah orang indo, janji palsu kebanyakan, cehah~

N.B : sorry for the photo's. gadibolehin bawa kamera jadi mau gamau semua foto dan video dari hp semua. cheers :D

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Be mature, please?

Everything you say, every time we kissed
I can't think straight but i'm okay
and i can't think about anybody else
who i hate miss as much i hate to miss you

So please, give me a hint
So please, give me a lesson
On how to steal, steal a heart
as fast as you stole mine , as you stole mine

Hey monday - 6months.

Happy 23th monthsary baby, "you love me, i love you harder so" :')
Thankyou for be there when i need you the most.
Thankyou for last night, semalam manjanya pasti kumat, ngga manja deh, ngerengek gajelas-_-
Thankyou for the faith, and please, teach me how to be more mature now :(
Kita berjuang buat utul snmptn aja ya, pasti Juni besok kadonya kita sama sama lolos deh ({})
Wish me luck :*

With Love,

Pinia :)

Monday, 16 May 2011


lihat itu? di foto itu?
alhamdulillah gue seneng banget yaAllah akhirnya jadi alumni juga, say goodbye to high school :')
Ngga terlalu rame sih, cuman...alhamdulillah aja deh ehe
Ngga ada istilah coret coret baju, soalnya nyokap wanti wanti banget pas mau kesekolah.
ah sedih cekalih.

Ya Allah swt , semoga tanggal 18 Mei 2011 hambamu ini bisa lolos snmptn undangan, dan merasakan bahagia yang lebih dari hari ini. amin ya rabbal alamin.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Dear, you.

To the man I love

It was never going to be easy having to look at you as a friend, yet wanting you to be so much more.
It’s as simple as opening a not so distant door and telling you I Love you but I can’t, I’m afraid because you don’t see me in that way.

The last thing I want is for our friendship to be dead. You’ve been there for me when I needed you most. As one painful chapter of my life ended, you gave me hope and you showed me reasons.
It’s difficult to be rational when emotions concerned. Why must Love be unconditional? So much for my prayers. I’m torn between the moon and the sun. I can’t Love you in the way I want.

I've seen it happen and it’s not pretty to watch the stars fall when forever died. I couldn’t even cry. All I did was sit out that night, hiding the fear to myself by looking out to a far off place.
It’s cruel but some say the gods play men. Deep in my heart, it’s me to be blame. Why did our friendship ended? If there ever were reasons, it would be me because I've become less than a woman.


Saturday, 7 May 2011

Spending Time together ._.

Jadi, di hari kamis kemarin gue akhirnya "hampir" ketemu perasaan itu lagi.
Perasaan yang...bisa dibilang yang telah membahagiakan gue selama kelas 10 - 11 awal.
YEAH akhirnya gue kembali ke dunia gigs! *berdiri menghapus air mata, terharu.*

Liat deh, itu band yang gue temenin sekarang. kece gak ? kece dooong.
Tempatnya ada di cibubur, berlokasi di ruko citra grand.
tempatnya juga outdoor, makanya gue bisa bernafas lega.
Acaranya sekitar jam 11an kali ya, tapi gue ga sempet nonton band sendiri.
sedih ya. *sigh*

oke, jadi awalnya gue dijemput indra, terus setelah jemput ami sama eja nyamper kedeket rumah ceper.
Karena mobilnya gamuat, akhirnya gue, bella, ami pindah ke mobilnya ceper.
Kata anak-anak, " ini pin, mobil kita dinas sebelum indra ada mobil "
mau liat si pinky? ini dia si pinky :

So Lovely, yagak? :p

Well, setelah nyasar dan segala macem kita akhirnya sampai di Bizzinc
and you know what? kita kepagian. jam 7an lebih masih pada check sound dan gue bete.
Lalu gue icha bella akhirnya jalan nyusul yang lain keatas.
Setelah menemukan makanan, dan mereka bisa kekamar mandi, gue berencana buru buru balik ke tempat, karena...............gue malu diceng cengin terus.
Kenapa malu ? karena mereka pada bawa pacar.
Dan karena saya single, jadi...jadi.............................................abaikan.

Ami sering ngomong "mau difotoin pin?" tapi ujung ujungnya gue memilih memotret mereka.
Bukan apa apa, gue lagi pusing banget setelah di inten kehujanan, terus makannya cuman 1x.
Itu juga jam 12an, di bolobolo pula.
Si kepala udah mulai cenat cenut ga karuan, jadi, hasil fotonya sangat sederhana. seperti ini :

Honestly, mereka emang band yang cukup narsis.
HAHAHA nggadeng, gue cukup bahagia bisa menangkap sisi lain dari kalian yang gabanyak orang tau. #cailah #apasih #udahanyokbubaran
Sebenernya sih masih ada beberapa foto yang....bikin ngukugh cungudh, setiap gue liat fotonya gue selalu ngakak tapi gue lebih milih buat ga publish disini. Kasian, HAHAHA

Doakan kami untuk kickfest 2011 dan juga revIVal 81 ya :)