Saturday, 21 May 2011

14 May 2011

heyyo kiddo~ ceritanya gue baru balik dari MKG buat beli pin snmptn.
Yoi, haree genee baru beli? iyadong, kalau mau masuk UI harus santai, jangan in a rush.
*berdalih detected! hidup dibawah garis!---- efek inten*

So, sebenernya gue mau cerita soal minggu lalu. Malam minggu yang sangat berbeda.
kenapa? Karena hari itu gue ketemu pujaan hati gue, kakak ketemu gede...

YEAH! gue dateng ke konser mereka , kece kan kece kan wuwuwu~ (biasa aja)
Well penampilan pertamanya dari the downtown fiction :

Mereka cuman bilang :
Terimakasih Indonesia~ we've been through 20 hours to see you guys, and it's worthed ! Indonesia, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO PARTY! we guarantee we'll never forget this night!!
Oh my god!! Cassadee pope was so cute!

Candles & 6 months

I don't wanna dance

See ? she's so cute right? kakak gue bahkan sempet tos tosan loh, bete ya? bete dong.
OH! cassadee bilang gini waktu itu :
Ok, first we're gonna sing homecoming and end it with how you love me now, okay? *wrong music* DAMN dude, i'm so sorry i sang a wrong song, would you please say 1..2..3.. CASSADEE SUCKS?! i'm so nervous to sing in front of you guys.. you guys are so ROCK! Terima, kasyih, Indonesia~
Nah, itu pas akhir akhir, tapi pas mau nyanyi 6 months dia bilang gini:
If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, here some tips. 1. take care of him/her, do everything that you can, be the best for him/her. 2. if the first way didn't work out, stay-away-from-him/her. they were sucks, they were not special as you are. Okay, this song was written because someone, a girl, 15th y.o , and she's desperate beacuse her boyfriend. So, i've told you, if he was not good enough, THEN LEAVE THEM. it's just between me and you, okay?

Yep, i bet you make anxious cass, huhu T__T
Nyanyi lah gue 6months dengan kegalauan super.
Setelah itu, yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga! A ROCKET TO THE MOON~

ARTTM said:

aku cinta kalian indonesia~ ( yeah nick, I LOVE YOU TO :* ) apakabar jekarda?? (baik cyin~) oh and i'd like to ask some favor to all of you.. (what's that nick?) will you do the trending topics thing on twitter. use the "#" sign...what was that name? hashtag? yeah that sign and write it down #ARocketToTheMoon. And if you guys could do that, we promises to go here as soon as possible~
Cameron, Cassadee, Nick, trust me. kalian sukses buat malem minggu gue sangat berarti.
Sampai saat ini gue belom pernah liat sih TT nya arttm, biasalah orang indo, janji palsu kebanyakan, cehah~

N.B : sorry for the photo's. gadibolehin bawa kamera jadi mau gamau semua foto dan video dari hp semua. cheers :D

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